
The workshops ran on Tuesday evenings in The Community Hub. The participants were keen to learn how to draw with coloured pencil crayons. After a self-portrait exercise on a giant paper tablecloth, replacing facial features with appropriate sensory objects, weekly sessions developed skills in drawing still lives of fruit and vegetables. Some lovely self-portrait drawings of hands were framed for inclusion in the talk and exhibition that I did at the Hub at the invitation of Mimi.

The group made lots of progress over the three months, and welcomed new members as the weather became warmer and the nights became lighter. They have been enthusiastic and very keen to learn and develop their artistic skills.

I am very grateful to Mimi Kassahun and Alba Frederick at the Hub for encouraging local people to come along.

Helen McCallum

Photographs from several of the workshops

Click any thumbnail to view the drawings in a full page carousel.

The Community Hub, Aisgill Avenue, Gibbs Green Estate, W14 9NF.

Photographs © 2023 ECDC, Helen McCallum, Alba Frederick.
(Photographs are individually credited.)